Stinging Insects
(Various species)
What are stinging insects?
Stinging insects can inject venom from a stinger at the end of their abdomen into their prey, which helps capture them. Their predatory behaviors are important because they help to reduce populations of nuisance insects. Stinging insects also help to pollinate some plants.
We can all agree that when stinging insects live outside well away from us, they are beneficial and need to be protected, but when these pests decide that our yards will become their new home, our family and pets need protection from their dangerous stings.
Stinging insects and their nests are never a welcome sight in our West Chester yards. Some of the most regular visitors to our properties include yellow jackets, bald-faced hornets, bumble bees, cicada killer wasps, mud daubers, paper wasps, and European hornets.

Are stinging insects dangerous?
The venom that stinging insects inject with each of their stings can be dangerous. While their stings are painful, they tend to be the least of our worries; their venom is strong enough to trigger serious allergic reactions in some people and pets. If people are severely allergic or in the case of a group attack, a person’s breathing can be affected and require immediate medical attention.
In Pennsylvania, stinging insects are most active and problematic for us during the late spring, summer, and early fall. Unfortunately, these are the times of the year when we are also most active and outside enjoying our yards, which increases our chances of a sting occurring.
Why do I have a stinging insect problem?
Stinging insects prefer to place their nests in areas that provide them with protection from their predators. Most of our yards offer a wide choice of shelter for them to choose from. In addition to shelter, our yards often provide them with never-ending sources of food and water.
Stinging insects will forage for food in gardens, from trash cans, and our outdoor eating areas. They can have their water needs met through puddles in our yards, clogged gutters, and containers on our property that collect water.
Where will I find stinging insects?
Due to the large number of stinging insects in our area, it’s possible to find a stinging insect nest almost anywhere in our yards. Some areas of your yard that you should regularly inspect for stinging insects nests include the following:
- Under roof eaves
- Around windows and doors
- Under decks and porch steps
- Under shrubbery along walkways
- Ground holes in yards
- Behind window shutters
- Behind shingles or inside wall voids
- Under the hoods of cars and lawnmowers that have been sitting
How do I get rid of stinging insects?
Stinging insect nests should always be removed by a professional. Professionals have the experience, knowledge, and equipment necessary to get the job done safely. Trust Masters Touch Pest Solutions to accurately identify and remove dangerous stinging insects nests from your property.
With over 25 years of local pest control experience, you can rest easy knowing that we will provide you with effective and dependable pest control services! Reach out to Masters Touch Pest Solutions today and learn about our tailored stinging insect control options in West Chester, PA!
How can I prevent stinging insects in the future?
In addition to our home pest control and commercial pest control services, take advantage of the following prevention tips to keep stinging insects out of your home:
- Limit the amount of flowering vegetation you have planted on your property, especially near the entrances of your home, sheds, and garages.
- Remove fallen trees, stumps, woodpiles, and other debris from your yard that stinging insects could use as a nesting site.
- Cut branches back away from the outside of your home.
- Remove standing water from your property.
- Keep areas around trash cans and compost bins cleaned up and make sure their lids are always on them.